The theory counts! Remote companies around the world have figured out the ins-and-outs of remote work and many of them have published books about this. These are our top picks!
The leader is and will be David Heinemeier Hansson's and Jason Fried's "Remote" book for a long while to come. The book by Basecamp (at the time 37signals) founders Jason and David has been released almost a decade a go, but everything in it holds up perfectly to this day.
Get itWhat does the shift to remote work means for our future job and work lives? The End of Jobs covers a few topics that are rising together with remote work right now: automation, computerization, gig economy, remote work. A great read!
Get itActionable advice and guides on how to build an effective remote team, sent to your inbox twice per month.
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... and a few dozen more since October 2019!