

High-Performance Management (a How-to-Guide)


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7 Remote Work Best Practices to Make Sure You Succeed and Stay Sane (2023)

Here's a list of remote work best practices to keep remote workers sane, productive, and collaborative.

How To Engage Remote Employees: Overcoming The Challenge

Implementing these strategies can help engage remote employees, which are crucial for the company's success.

Remote Employee Offboarding: 5 Best Practices for A Smooth Exit

Struggling with employee turnover? Use our guide to learn about effective offboarding techniques and keep your company running smoothly during transitions. Everything you need for smooth departures can be found here!

Should You Benchmark Salaries or Not?

Should you benchmark or not? The answer is that it depends. Let's find out and get a better understanding of what's in it for you and your business.

How to Develop Charismatic Leadership (+ Examples)

Charismatic leadership is characterized by the leader’s ability to use personal charm, persuasiveness and other compelling qualities to influence those they lead. By practicing the skills outlined in this post, you can develop the required skills to become an effective charismatic leader and ultimately lead your organization to achieve greater success.

How to create a successful global mobility programme

Global mobility is the term for moving employees worldwide and their dependents for financial, professional and personal growth. It is an excellent solution for remote businesses that want to expand overseas. Increase revenue, brand awareness and international talent with global mobility programmes.

Scaling your Direct Report Management Process

The article explains exactly what a direct report means and then looks at the ideal number of direct reports a manager should have. It also lays out the best practices to follow when tasked to manage and motivate other people.

(2022) Meeting cadence best practices for success

Meetings are an essential aspect of any successful business. Instead of hindering any team's efficiency, it can be made more useful by defining its purpose, keeping it as short as possible, and adjusting its frequency or cadence if needed. It should be an enjoyable time of collaboration and comradery among people.

(2022) How To Do and Manage Workcations

What is a workcation and how do you manage it in the first place? A workcation is when you work in a different location that is either not your home or your office. This gives you the opportunity to explore a new location, city, or country when you're not working. Others do their workcation by planning one-month trips to one destination and spending the majority of the year in their homes while others prefer to constantly travel while working and exploring various destinations. Read further to learn more about managing your workcations.

(2022) All about WFH stipends

A Work From Home Stipend provides work from home employees an amount of money that is either a lump sum or daily payment that they would otherwise receive if they were working in the office. Read further on how it improves employee satisfaction, team unity, and equality for those working from home.

Remote Collaboration: How To Work Effectively With a Distributed Team

With the goal of helping remote companies succeed, we’ve broken down the key challenges to remote collaboration and included our best practices for collaborating effectively with a distributed team.

Mastering taxes for remote employees and companies

Today, the biggest disadvantage that remote companies and employees face is the lack of protection under domestic employment laws. More often than not, the best way to hire someone remotely is through a contracting agreement, but what does this mean when it comes to taxes?

How to transition a small local team to remote work

Even though we might be able to go to our offices again soon, many teams might have gotten a taste of remote work, and might want to stay that way. Before you rush into it and close down your office, this is how you can prepare for the switch.

A quick guide to remote work during COVID-19

Companies around the world are ordering employees to work from home for the next few weeks until the COVID-19 virus is under control. A sensible measure, but a challenging one as well. If your team is not used to working from home, this may become a very taxing time for your whole team. A quick guide on remote work for co-located companies.

Mental Health in Remote Teams

A constant state of availability and being connected, coupled with a possibly unstructured and isolated working environment can be tough for the mental health of remote workers.

Staying in the loop in a remote team

A manager's job is to know what's going on and where things stand, but checking in with remote workers can be difficult - people are in different timezones and asking questions can be hard.

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